Tokyo Street Letters


Sign typography in tokyo 看板文字
Portfolio image of Louise Rouse's artwork - photo of tokyo typography


Tokyo Street Letters

Creating systems of typography in Japanese poses unique challenges. A designer or team of designers must create 4000 or more forms to create a system. Instead, businesses, civic and religious groups and even public institutions favour on-the-spot character-design to deal with the design problem in the moment. Even with Tokyo’s remarkable metabolism of its own buildings and neighbourhoods, the characters adorning and labelling the city reflect a diversity of people designing the streets their own way, without recourse to free fonts. Rouse explores the city populated by characters in this ongoing work.

I presented a paper about ongoing findings at the EU-Japan Workshop hosted by Hosei university.

文字数が多い日本語に置いて、書体化の困難があ る。そため、看板文字を書体でなく注文文字の一 点ものが多い、文字豊かな街に住んでいる私たち はどの程度気付いているのでしょうか。 ラウスは5年以上東京文字研究を続き、文字愛が たまらないプロジェクトです。

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