
Neighbourhood series

Artist book by Louise Rouse
Portfolio image of Louise Rouse's artwork - Commute to Work
通勤 Artist Book
Artist book - Louise Rouse

Four thematic books created through performative frottage journeys in psycho geography in my local neighbourhoods. Each neighbourhood was charted in an edition of three books, using the city itself as a printing plate. Liminal public and private spaces are brought into focus by the presence of the performer and the memory of that journey is recorded with graphite on handmade paper chosen for characteristics that symbolically reference the neighbourhood and title under examination. The wood covers of each book are also symbolic and feature hand-carved titles. A diary of the performance was published in Slanted magazine, May 2018 edition, and the work was exhibited as part of the Japan Now North festival in 2019 in Sheffield at Bloc Projects Gallery


ラウスが住む近所をテーマに、4編シリーズのアーティストブック。 フロッタージュによるのパフォーマンス散歩がサイコジオグラフィともなる. 各本が3点限定のエディション作品。都会自体が刷り版木となる。パフォーマーの存在、によって、公共と私的な空間の境が焦点に入ってくる。各エリアの特徴が素材の選択に反映され、手漉き紙にその旅の記憶が記録されて




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